New Delhi: Facebook announced on Thursday that it is rolling out Verified Pages and profiles, much like the system already in use by Twitter, Vine, and Google+.
In this new Twitter like feature, verified accounts will have a blue checkmark next to their names on the Timeline, in search results, and across Facebook, which will make it easier for users to find the official pages of prominent figures and celebrities they want to follow.
Facebook will extend verified accounts to prominent public figures like celebrities, journalists, government officials, popular brands and businesses.
Facebook used singer and actress Selena Gomez (above) as an example of someone it has verified. Also, adding to the list, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Kim Kardashian have also been verified, to name a few.
Like Twitter, Facebook will proactively verify authentic Pages and profiles, but users cannot request to be verified. However, they can report fake accounts.
Back in February 2012, Facebook had launched a verification program, when it allowed people to verify their account with a valid ID. But the program didn’t involve any kind of public badging, which this one does.